Deworming Services for Pets

Routine treatment to flush out intestinal worms that are a threat to your loyal companion’s health.

Worms are parasites that can infect your cat or dog and cause serious health issues. For this reason, the veterinarian community has agreed that your furry friends should be dewormed regularly. A worm infestation may also affect the extended members of your family as some worms can be passed between species. Zoonotic worms can become a problem for other pets in the household and even pose a threat to the humans who live there.

What are common worms in pets?

  • Heartworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Whipworms
  • Roundworms
  • Hookworms

What are signs that my pet has worms?

Possible signs of a worm infestation include diarrhea, weight loss, vomiting, blood in stool and abdominal pain. To ensure that your pet gets the proper medical treatment, they should be assessed by a veterinarian if they are exhibiting any of these signs.

How are worms diagnosed in pets?

To detect most intestinal worms, a veterinarian will perform examinations with a microscope. The stool of the pet is collected and examined under a microscope for worm eggs. Tapeworms and heartworms are diagnosed differently. Heartworms are diagnosed through blood testing, and tapeworms can be seen with the naked eye.

Do puppies and kittens need to be dewormed?

Absolutely! Kittens and puppies need to be dewormed even if their mothers are taking deworming medication. Puppies and kittens need to be dewormed every two weeks until they are 3 months old. After 3 months, your veterinarian will determine how often your pet needs to be dewormed based on their exposure risk. To schedule an appointment to deworm your puppy or kitten, call us at 519-641-8383.

How can I prevent worms in my pet?

The best way to prevent worms in your pet is to have a veterinarian administer preventative medications. You should also have your pet regularly tested for worms, even if they are on medication.

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